A class is a family of objects. If several objects have similar structure, behavior, and meaning, then you can group the objects into a class—in effect, a template (or even a factory) you can use to create uniform individual objects. When you develop an object-oriented system, the system is described as being made up of classes—and that’s even true of a real-life enterprise system. Some examples of classes might be the Crash Dummy class, Lease class, Client class, or Owner class. Each class provides a generic scheme for one or more objects, and a class can be a template for many objects or only one.
Object is an instance of the class.
An object can be any useful item that has identity, structure, and behavior. When an object-oriented software system is running, the items in the system are interacting software objects. When a real-life physical enterprise is in operation, the individual interacting entities in the enterprise system are the business objects.
A class is a family of objects. If several objects have similar structure, behavior, and meaning, then you can group the objects into a class—in effect, a template (or even a factory) you can use to create uniform individual objects. When you develop an object-oriented system, the system is described as being made up of classes—and that’s even true of a real-life enterprise system. Some examples of classes might be the Crash Dummy class, Lease class, Client class, or Owner class. Each class provides a generic scheme for one or more objects, and a class can be a template for many objects or only one.
Object is an instance of the class.
An object can be any useful item that has identity, structure, and behavior. When an object-oriented software system is running, the items in the system are interacting software objects. When a real-life physical enterprise is in operation, the individual interacting entities in the enterprise system are the business objects.